Seriously, Goats DO read books.

I know what your thinking. Eat grass, walk around, get milked, supervise cheese production, and eat more grass. That is all a goat does all day.
This goat also reads a lot and wants to recommend a book to you.
Today is the One Year Anniversary of Renee Kaplan and Robin Epstein.
They are friends of a friend and they are a growing part of "Princeton Alumni that publish books that I love and then feel totally envious of, but happy for anyway, because they write good books."That said... I don't think Shaking got a fair, um, shake last summer and that it should be THIS SUMMER'S hot new book.
And I think you should do everything you can to help make it this summer's hot new book. Got a Book Circle? Make this your book for June. Participate in Stitch n Bitch? Buy this for everyone in the group. Got a recent college grad who is depressed because she's temping when she should be making gazillions? GET HER THIS BOOK!
Buy ten copies and give it to ten friends who need a page turner with some inspiration from two lovely writers in New York.
They didn't plagiarize and they didn't go to Harvard.
I'm sorry, but all I can think of when I read "goats DO read books" is Brian Fellow saying, "That's crazy. Goats can't read books!" And I die a little bit inside. Good job.
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