Make a real difference!
Did I mention how excited I am about this SpokesGoat deal? The more I learn about the project, the more excited I am.
Have you ever heard of Heifer International? It is this great non-profit that instead of giving money or watching the money disappear into red-tape--it gives farm animals. Let's be honest, the gift of a goat is much better than a bag of rice. A goat is the gift that keeps on giving.
For only $120 you can buy/sponsor a goat for a family in a developing country. I'll let the folks at Heifer tell you about it: "Goat's milk is the only milk known to half the world's people, but 80 percent of mothers and children in rural areas do not have any type of milk or milk

Goats can thrive in extreme climates and on poor, dry land by eating grass and leaves. Your gift of a dairy goat can supply a family with up to several quarts of nutritious milk a day ? a ton of milk a year.
Extra milk can be sold or used to make cheese, butter or yogurt. Families use goat manure to fertilize gardens. And because goats often have two or three kids a year, Heifer partners can start small dairies that pay for food, health care and education."
Now Edelman isn't going to make me go be a goat in a developing country. Number One Goat has a certain standard of living that I like to maintain. But they are going to let me spread the word about Heifer and goats in general.
Like I said, I'm getting pretty excited about this opportunity and they say I'll know this afternoon whether or not this campaign is selected.
Cross your.. um... hooves for me!
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