Number One Goat

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Seriously, Goats DO read books.

I know what your thinking. Eat grass, walk around, get milked, supervise cheese production, and eat more grass. That is all a goat does all day.

This goat also reads a lot and wants to recommend a book to you.

Today is the One Year Anniversary of Renee Kaplan and Robin Epstein.

They are friends of a friend and they are a growing part of "Princeton Alumni that publish books that I love and then feel totally envious of, but happy for anyway, because they write good books."That said... I don't think Shaking got a fair, um, shake last summer and that it should be THIS SUMMER'S hot new book.

And I think you should do everything you can to help make it this summer's hot new book. Got a Book Circle? Make this your book for June. Participate in Stitch n Bitch? Buy this for everyone in the group. Got a recent college grad who is depressed because she's temping when she should be making gazillions? GET HER THIS BOOK!

Buy ten copies and give it to ten friends who need a page turner with some inspiration from two lovely writers in New York.

They didn't plagiarize and they didn't go to Harvard.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Manufacturing Presence

Just a few days ago, I was a lonely goat. Now the answer to Goat Heard? is YES!

I even show up in a technorati link search. And you can check below to see other bloggers who wrote about little ol' me.

On Myspace, I went from 0 to 28 friends in a matter of hours as well.

How did I get this sudden (although small in the grand scheme of the blogosphere?) web presence? Easy. A couple of those Edelman people did outreach to bloggers and Myspace users they knew. By 2PM on Friday afternoon, they'd convinced people to blog and link to me.

Now just imagine if I were a real spokesgoat and not just an imaginary one? Not that I'm imaginary, of course not. I'm totally, 100% real. Goats can type, promise.